General Knowledge

Can you answer the following questions on General Knowledge?

1In which city in England is the National Railway Museum?
2In folklore, who is the king of the elves and fairies?
3What is the most common colour that appears in the flags of the world?
4How many stars make up Orion's belt?
5What was left in Pandora's box after she released misery and evil?
6How many pieces does each player have in backgammon?
7What cocktail consists of Tia Maria, Vodka and Coke?
8What colour are the seats in the House of Lords? Red, Blue or Green?
9On the London Underground, which is the only line to connect at some point with every other line on the system?
10Out of all the animals which make up the Chinese horoscope, which comes first alphabetically?
Tie BreakIn the music world, what job did Simon Fuller get sacked from in 1997?