Sport And Leisure

Can you answer the following questions on sport?

1In which sport do the rules specify that the ball used must not weigh less than 45.93 grams and must have a diameter of at least 42.67 millimetres?
2Which came first - Rugby League or Rugby Union?
3Of all the properties on a standard Monopoly board, which would come last alphabetically?
4Who won the Ladies singles title at Wimbledon in 2004?
5What are the six colours of ball available for playing croquet?
6What number is on the back of the shirt that David Beckham wears for Real Madrid?
7In a standard game of poker, which of the following hands is best? A Flush, A Straight or Three Of A Kind?
8Which is the heaviest? An Ice Hockey Puck or a Baseball?
9What oriental game comprises 144 tiles?
10What comes next in the following sequence... Red, Blue, White, Black, Orange, __?
Tie BreakIn which year was the penalty kick first introduced into the game of football?