
Can you answer the following general knowledge questions and then find the connection between the answers?

1Which drink is advertised on TV with the slogan ‘Come out to play’?
2According his famous poem, what had John Milton lost?
3Which Disney annimation saw a young King Arthur enjoying his encounter with Merlin?
4What sign did God give to Noah to show that the Earth would not be flooded again?
5What is the name of the statue by Antony Gormley that stands near the A1 motorway in Gateshead?
6Aerophobia is the fear of what?
7Which of Batman's villains did Burgess Meridith play in the sixties TV series?
8Which singer was born in London with the name Steven Georgiou and is now called Yusuf Islam?
9Which breed of cat can be blue-Pointed, Chocolate-Pointed or Seal-Pointed?
10What is the connection?