Games Games Games

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1How many different pieces can be found on a chess board (not counting different colours)
2What top selling computer game series lets you steal cars, buy weapons and kill people, and go with prostitutes?
3In 2013 which playing piece was replaced in the UK version of Monopoly?
4In trivial pursuit, which colour identifies questions on History?
5Which super plumber heads up many of Nintendo's computer games?
6In scrabble, how many points is the letter Q worth?
7How many pieces are on the board at the start of a game of Othello?
8The game Tic-Tac-Toe is more commonly referred to in the UK as what?
9Not including the scoring cards, how many cards are in a UK euchre pack?
10Which board games, known since Roman times, has nine men per side that need to line up in rows of 3 to remove an opponent's piece?
quiz kindly submitted by Burnsie on 3rd October 2016