General Knowledge

Can you answer the following questions on General Knowledge?

1Which country has the airline KLM?
2What two letters are worth the most in a game of Scrabble?
3What are the three primary colours of light?
4After how many years of marriage would you celebrate your ruby anniversary?
5Where would a "troglodyte" live? In a cave, up a tree or underwater?
6How many counters does each player have at the start of a game of backgammon?
7What is the only sign of the zodiac not named after a living creature, and what is it named after?
8How many centimetres make up a hand, the measurement used on horses?
9What do the initials YMCA stand for?
10What are the six murder weapons used in a game of "Cluedo"?
Tie BreakIn what year did the weather forecast appear in The Times newspaper for the first time?