
Can you answer the following questions on nature?

1What is the tallest and thickest type of grass?
2What is the most popular natural attraction in Alaska?
3What name is given to a male swan?
4What type of acid is extracted from the juice of lemons, oranges, limes, and grapefruit?
5In nature, what does a dendrologist study?
6What is the largest mammal in the world and can reach a length of 100 foot?
7What is the only known substance that naturally exists on Earth in all three chemical states?
8What is the only animal to have four knees?
9Which of the following natural-phenomena cause the most deaths? Hurricanes, Lightning Strikes or Earthquakes?
10What is the difference between a frog and a toad?
Tie BreakIn what year did Sir Frederick Banting and J. J. R. MacLeod discover insulin?