
Can you answer the following questions on trivia?

1Which American state comes first alphabetically?
2In a standard pack of cards, why is the king of hearts sometimes known as the suicide king?
3Which singer has appeared in films playing characters called "Danny Fisher", "Glenn Tyler" and "Lucky Jackson"?
4What three words were used to give Durex condoms their name?
5What is the name of the cartoon character that chases after Roadrunner?
6What did the "F" in John F. Kennedy stand for?
7How many of Snow White's seven dwarfs had beards?
8In the film "Speed" what is the speed that the bus must not go below?
9What is the only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible?
10How many Jack's eyes are visible in a standard pack of playing cards?
Tie BreakIn what year did Superman appear in Action Comics for the first time?