Can you answer the following questions on cartoons?
1 | What is the name of the cartoon cat who is always trying to catch Tweety Pie? Sylvester |
2 | In which cartoon show would you find the characters of Angelica Pickles and Chuckie Finster? Rugrats_The Rugrats_The Rugrats Show |
3 | Which word fills the blank from the lyric `Scooby-Dooby Doo, where are you, we've got some ____ to do now? Work |
4 | Which famous cartoon character has a half-brother called Hebert Powell? Homer Simpson_Homer |
5 | Which cartoon superhero fought against Texas Pete? Superted_Super Ted |
6 | In the 1980s cartoon tv series `Dungeons And Dragons` what was the name of team`s pet unicorn? Uni |
7 | In `South Park` episode `Big Gay Al`s Big Gay Boat Ride` what was the name of Stan`s dog? Sparky |
8 | What is Fred Flinstones favourite sport? 10 Pin Bowling_Ten Pin Bowling_10-Pin Bowling_Ten-Pin Bowling |
9 | Which cartoon show features the characters of Fry, Bender and Leela? Futurama |
10 | What is the name of the hunter who is always chasing after Bugs Bunny? Elmer Fudd_Elmer J Fudd_Elmer J. Fudd_Elmar Fudd |