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Can you answer the following questions on cartoons?

1What is the name of the cartoon cat who is always trying to catch Tweety Pie?
2In which cartoon show would you find the characters of Angelica Pickles and Chuckie Finster?
3Which word fills the blank from the lyric `Scooby-Dooby Doo, where are you, we've got some ____ to do now?
4Which famous cartoon character has a half-brother called Hebert Powell?
5Which cartoon superhero fought against Texas Pete?
6In the 1980s cartoon tv series `Dungeons And Dragons` what was the name of team`s pet unicorn?
7In `South Park` episode `Big Gay Al`s Big Gay Boat Ride` what was the name of Stan`s dog?
8What is Fred Flinstones favourite sport?
9Which cartoon show features the characters of Fry, Bender and Leela?
10What is the name of the hunter who is always chasing after Bugs Bunny?