
Can you answer the following questions on trivia?

1With which game would you use a "squidger", a circular disc between 25mm and 51 mm?
2With which comic would you associate Beryl the Peril and Korky the Cat?
3The melody for which famous song was written by sisters and school teachers Patty and Mildred Hill in Kentucky in 1893?
4Which year is represented by the seven Roman numerals listed in descending order?
5What is the most common pub name in the UK?
6How many seconds delay are there between each of Big Ben's strikes? 1, 3 or 5?
7What item of food inspired the idea for the computer game pac man?
8In 1970, what did football referees get that they hadn't had before?
9In a standard pack of playing cards what do the queens hold in their hands?
10What is the most popular daily newspaper, with an average daily circulation of approximately 3.5 million?
Tie BreakHow many times is the f-word used in the film "Pulp Fiction"?