
Can you answer the following general knowledge questions on the theme of twins?

1What is the surname of the identical twin brothers who compiled the Guiness Book of Records together between 1955 and 1975?
2What is the name of Austin Powers’ twin brother?
3Who wrote the 1872 novel in which Tweedledum and Tweedledee first appear?
4In Greek mythology, who was the twin sister of Apollo?
5What are the names of Marge’s twin sisters in The Simpsons?
6Which former heavyweight boxing champion has an identical twin brother called George?
7What is the surname of the Australian cricketing twins Mark and Steve?
8Who is Pauline Fowler’s twin in Eastenders?
9The Kray twins were convicted of the murder of George Cornell in the East End of London in 1966. What was the name of the pub in which he was shot?
10Who is the twin sister of the cartoon hero He-Man?