Days of the Year

1In which month does the UK tax year start and finish?
2By what name is the day preceding the Christian fasting period of Lent commonly referred?
3In which month is the Vernal Equinox in the northern hemisphere?
4All Saints Day is celebrated on the first day of which month?
5In France, which flower is given on May Day as a good luck charm?
6Orangeman’s day in Northern Ireland celebrates victory in which battle?
7What is the date of St George’s Day?
8Guy Fawkes Night on November 5th celebrates the discovery of the plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament? In what year did this take place?
9How is the date of the summer bank holiday determined in England and Wales?
10According to proverb, what will happen if it rains on St Swithin’s Day?
quiz kindly submitted by Arthur on 14th April 2009