
1Willie John McBride is associated with which sport?
2Which Willy formerly ran Aer Lingus and now runs B.A.?
3What type of animal was World Cup Willie, the 1966 Football World Cup mascot?
4In which TV show would you find the character Groundskeeper Willie?
5September 15th 1916 saw the first deployment of Big Willie. What was it?
6Which Eastenders character had a dog called Willy?
7Which band had a UK number four hit in June 1972 with Little Willy?
8Which Willie, satirist and co-founder of Private Eye, died on 11th December 1996?
9Which Willy wrote the plays Educating Rita and Shirley Valentine?
10In the 1971 film Willy Wonka was played by Gene Wilder, but who played him in the 2005 re-make Charlie And The Chocolate Facory?
quiz kindly submitted by Flying Pig on 3rd May 2010